Wisdom on Wealth Columns

Hidden in Plain Sight

“Why hasn’t anyone ever told me about this?” she asked. She was at the same time relieved, chagrined, and just a tiny bit angry.  Like many facing retirement, she had started later than she now wished she had and was facing the prospect of a significant lifestyle change. Sure, she could keep spending money in …

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Of Scams, God, and Good ‘Ol Boys

When a preacher tells you that your treasure should be in heaven, you might want to listen. But if one of them starts telling you that at least some of your treasure might be found in recently discovered Confederate government bonds, foreign exchange currency schemes, timber contracts, off-shore certificates of deposit or high yield hospital …

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Financial Wellness

Question: What is financial wellness? I am a human resources professional and financial wellness is a hot topic among my peers. The idea is that if we provide financial wellness training for our employees, they can be more stable and productive for their employers. That sounds good, but I’m not even sure how to define …

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Goal Setting: Aim at What You Require, Desire, and Aspire

Question: My wife and I are setting some goals with respect to our retirement and we have a question. Should we be pessimistic or optimistic about how things will go, both now and in retirement? I’ve run different scenarios and things can really turn out wildly different, depending on what assumptions you use. Answer: One …

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Mistakes When Working with a Financial Advisor

Question: I have been working with a financial planner for a few years and I’m not satisfied. It isn’t so much about the investment part. That’s been OK. But I just don’t feel like he knows I am alive. Is it too much to expect to be able to find someone who will take care …

Mistakes When Working with a Financial Advisor Read More »

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The 3 Financial Questions You Should Be Asking for 2021

There are countless financial questions you need to wrestle with. None, however, are more important than the three contained in this guide.



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Like every good plan, there is a process involved in developing your investment strategy.

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